2010年12月13日 星期一

Doctor, Doctor!

When my father was dying in the ICU, I kept thinking: it would be nice if we had Dr McCoy, Dr Crusher, Dr Bashir, or just an EMH in this hospital. Maybe my father would still be alive if any of them or their technology had been there...

But we don't live in the 24th century, and there is no sign that any Q would come and save the universe.

So, though I cannot spread the ashes into space, I hope my father's soul will rest in peace.

2010年12月10日 星期五

Breaking News

2010年12月9日22時50分, 上帝卸下了我父親沉重的負擔, 帶他的靈魂離開人世. 謝謝大家這兩天來的關心.

Peace and Prosperity to all my friends.